DXpedition Isle of Man

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News # 4 ( October 9th )

All of us enjoyed this adventure in a wonderful team under difficult conditions. The QTH Langness Lighthouse near Castle Town was perfect and quiet. All the technical equipment worked well. The result added our expedition into the list of the Mega-DX-Peditions with more than 30.000 QSOs.
We found a nice landscape and friendly people. Highlights were the visits of local hams Bob, MD0CCE, Colyn, GD4EIP and Ronnie, MD0RLA.

QSL-cards will be printed in November. Each of the seven operators handles his own log and QSL. The QSL confirmation traffic starts for direct requests first.

News # 3  ( October 3rd )

After some nice sunny but also windy days our adventure comes to an end today. The team of 7 OPs has finished with over 31000 qso’s. 
The weather, especially at the beginning of our expedition, was much harder than expected. On the first days there was a storm, followed by a lot of rain. The conds on shortwave were not good all the time.
Now each OP handles his own log and will have an own colored QSL-card soon.
Please check carefully to have the right operatorcallsign in your log.
We would like to thank all our helpers. We will see you in the next pile up!

News # 2  ( September 26th )

Three days are over now and we have 6000 qso's in the log, which means all OPs together including the CQWWDX-RTTY-Contest. Our QTH is the Herring Cottage at the Langness Lighthouse which is about 25 km south-east from Dougles. The Lighthouse is located at Langness Penisula - the most southeasterly point of Isle of Man. Three sites of the area are surrounded by water. There is plenty of room inside and outside - which is perfect for groups like us. The weather has been rough since we arrived ( wind up to 100 km/h). That’s why we are using verticals mostly. Our two spiderbeams are up now, but in low height. Our activity will be on cw, ssb and rtty from 160m to 10m until the late 3th October.


News # 1

Seven German operators will activate the Isle of Man as MD/homecall in CW, SSB and RTTY from 160 to 10 m. Two stations will be used nearly 24/7 between Sept 23rd to Oct 3rd. We will use our own cars to get there from Germany. The trip includes two rides with a ferry each way which turned out to be quite expensive.
Permission to operate from a Lighthouse area is granted. Some operators will take part in the CQ WWDX RTTY Contest as single-op on a single band.

We are grateful about the help of G4UHM and 2D0YLX.


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News # 4 / October 9th
- we are qrt -

the QSL-cards are printed
have a look - click Pictures





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